Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dawn of a New Blog

Today is a profound day, as it begins my new journey into blogging about my favorite hobby. I have played Warhammer 40K since 1991. In fact, most of my collection is comprised of older, and in a lot of cases out of production models. When given the choice, I have tracked down similar models to further expand my collection.

The goal of this blog is discuss all aspects of the Games Workshop hobby that I love so much. The painting portion of the blog will contain anything that comes across my work table - fantasy, shadowrun, war machine ... ect. I simply love painting, and I want to share that joy with my readers. The Tactics section will discuss tactics that I have seen used and use myself. There will probably be some battle recaps, especially once I get back into the tournament scene.

As the name of the blog suggests, I mostly play Eldar, They were my first complete army. What is not too love? Eldar miniatures look sleek and graceful. Plus right now they are one of the top tier armies. Even though I also own armies of Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Chaos and Orks, only my Eldar are fully battle ready. I have plans to get the other armies table top ready in the coming months. Especially since 7th edition is at our gates. (I will have a lot to say about the new edition in a future post.)

There is a lot to look forward to!

"My Future is my own, I will make it what it is meant to be and do what I need to do to ensure the Eldar do not become nothing more than a legend" 

—Sarandeer when approached by the Court of the Young King